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Microsoft is expected this week to announce that it has completed work on Hyper-V, a virtualization technology that allows a single server to act as many separate servers.
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Every tech company is getting its products ready for the post-PC era. While Apple seems to have taken the lead with the most innovative device (the iPhone) to date, GNU/Linux is all set to shake and stir a bit. Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, has announced Ubuntu MID (mobile Internet device) Edition 8.04 as a full developers' release.
Biggest Contender In Mobile Space: Ubuntu MID
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This little tutorial is to teach you how easy it is to compile a kernel
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Opens solutions provider Red Hat announced the availability of Red Hat Enterprise MRG V1, which offers Red Hat Enterprise Linux realtime enhancements as well as a high performance, multi-platform messaging system.
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This tutorial shows how to configure Zimbra Collaboration Server (ZCS) and Samba to act as a primary domain controller (PDC) that uses LDAP as a centralized database for authenticating users on Linux and Windows desktops.
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"It hasn't been a week, I know, and this is a pretty small set of changes since -rc7, but I'm going to be mostly incommunicado for the next week or so, so I just released what will hopefully be the last -rc," began Linux creator Linus Torvalds, announcing the 2.6.26-rc8 kernel.
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"Thousands of Neo FreeRunners have been loaded into planes and fired around the world," announced Sean Moss-Pultz, the Openmoko CEO, in a frequently philosophical email titled "let us impact the material world", posted to the Openmoko community mailing list.
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Continuing its efforts to advance customer adoption of Linux, HP today announced the contribution of its Tru64 UNIX Advanced File System (AdvFS) source code to the open source community.
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eXtreme Minimal Kernel is a preemptive multithreaded real-time operating system for microcontrollers. XMK's primary design goal is to be small, extremely small, without sacrificing performance or functionality. XMK's minimal footprint makes it ideal for running on 8bit microcontrollers, while its feature content makes it a excellent choice for 16bit and 32bit microcontrollers.
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After the usual few weeks delay following the release of Red Hat Enterprise 5.2, the CentOS project has released its Red Hat clone – CentOS version 5.2. The new CentOS 5.2 offers the same features as RHEL 5.2, which was released in May.
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This tutorial shows how you can set up a Linux Mint 5 Elyssa R1 desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops.
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This tutorial will walk you through setting up DHCP fail over on CentOS 5.1 using the default ISC dhcp server, this can easily be adapted to any other Linux distro out there. You will most likely need Failover in environments where network down time can not be tolerated. My home is running a DLNA setup so I need my devices to be able to obtain network parameters at all times.
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Network security is a primary consideration in any decision to host a website as the threats are becoming more widespread and persistent every day. One means of providing additional protection is to invest in a firewall. Though prices are always falling, in some cases you may be able to create a comparable unit using the Linux iptables package on an existing server for little or no additional expenditure.
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This tutorial explains how to set up PHPIDS on a web server with Apache2 and PHP5.
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This tutorial explains how you can install MySQL Proxy on a CentOS 5 (x86_64) system.
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This tutorial will demonstrate how to secure Postgresql databases using two-factor authentication from the WiKID Strong Authentication server via PAM on Linux.
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"Another week, another -rc," began Linux creator Linus Torvalds, announcing the 2.6.26-rc7 Linux kernel, "and as usual, it's mainly drivers and arch updates - over 90% of changes are in one or the other."
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"As part of the Linux Foundation Technical board, we confront the issue of closed source Linux kernel modules all the time, and we wanted to do something that could be seen as a general 'public statement' about them that is easy to understand and point to when people have questions," began Greg KH, explaining,
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Small as a mouse, fast as a cheetah and available for free. NetSurf is a web browser for RISC OS and UNIX-like platforms including Linux.
Find more details...
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  • Support for dynamic system address space, including on-demand allocation of system virtual address space and kernel page table pages, and support for very large registries.
  • Support for non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA) systems and systems with large pages, including additional device driver and Win32 NUMA API's.
  • I/O and section access improvements, including prefetch-style clustering for all types of page faults and system cache read-ahead (essentially pre-loading possibly-needed data into physical memory based on the current operation).
  • General performance improvements, including translation buffer optimizations and improvements to internal data structures and algorithmic performance.
Understand in detail...
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This tutorial shows how to install and use mod_python on a Debian Etch server with Apache2. mod_python is an Apache module that embeds the Python interpreter within the server.
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"The method can include, responsive to a first request, creating a communications object having a unique identifier corresponding to the non-global zone of a process making the first request. The method may include, responsive to a second request, initiating a communications using the communications object for a process making the second request, if the process making the second request is determined to be associated with the non-global zone having a unique identifier matching the unique identifier of the communications object."
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Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) is a library that developers can use to develop kernel-mode drivers that support the Microsoft Windows Driver Model (WDM). The framework's library is included in the Windows Vista and later versions of the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). One can use the library, and the driver kits that include it, to develop drivers that run on Microsoft Windows 2000 and later versions of the Windows operating systems.
Read the MSDN Blog
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MIPS Specific Issues in the Linux Kernel
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This script will download the latest vanilla kernel source, ChangeLog and signature file and sort them into the appropriate directories. I strongly recommend putting this script in a cron job.
Get it from here...
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Andrew Morton on kernel development, good Q&A from LWN
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"With this technology, you will be able to push updates to 1,000 systems and different types of hardware with a common image," Stevens said. "This is a very powerful tool for IT. A system could fail in a complete outage, and you wouldn't lose your configuration. You'd just reboot."
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Linux specialist Red Hat has announced it is developing an embedded hypervisor product that it claims will complement, rather than compete with, its existing virtualisation strategy.
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FreeBSD 7.0 has already been released. If you are a real hacker, the best way to jump in and learn it is hacking together an introductory kernel module
Blogged with the Flock Browser is an archive of video games. This site allows you to play backups of your old video games on your computer!Emulation is nothing new and has been around for decades. If you want to learn more about emulation simply read on.
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There are tools available to allow anyone to create and distribute a completely customized Ubuntu Based distribution using the Gnome Desktop. Many Kubuntu users would like to do the same thing but such tools are not fully compatible with KDE and the Kiosk tool does not change or remove all of the Kubuntu defaults so that a program like Remastersys can create a customized ISO with the defined changes.
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Fully encrypted systems prevent others from getting your data from physical access. The rationale behind the encryption of a complete system is that you don't have worry about what you encrypt and what not, because everything (except for the /boot) partition will be encrypted.
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"As promised, this cycle was short and the release is with only relatively small impact changes," said Git maintainer Junio Hamano, announcing the release of Git v1.5.6.
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WALTHAM, Mass., June 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Novell(R) announced today it is collaborating with VMware to improve Linux performance in VMware environments by incorporating support for the VMware Virtual Machine Interface (VMI) into the SUSE(R) Linux Enterprise kernel.
Novell Delivers Optimized SUSE Linux Enterprise Performance for VMware Environments
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LilleLinux is a small cd-based bootable Linux distribution with a large number of drivers compiled into the kernel for a wide support for devices and file systems. The root filesystem is based on the CoreDistro binary packages with a custom Linux kernel (config).
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FoNC (aka Idst, Jolt, COLA, the SODA languages, etc.) is an ongoing project to create a programming language substrate and springboard for investigating new computing paradigms.
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Open Conference Systems (OCS) is a free Web publishing tool that will create a complete Web presence for your scholarly conference. OCS will allow you to: * create a conference Web site * compose and send a call for papers * electronically accept paper and abstract submissions * allow paper submitters to edit their work * post conference proceedings and papers in a searchable format * post, if you wish, the original data sets * register participants * integrate post-conference online discussions
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A Concise Guide to Using Thinking Sphinx, A nice article on sphinx

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"How do I install a dual-boot with Windows XP on my new Windows Vista computer?" The answer is that it's not that difficult, it's just very time consuming, and you need to own a copy of Windows XP.
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Ads and banners not only unnecessarily consume bandwidth, but also distract users, and can be exceedingly irritating at times. Few ads and banners keep rotating and fetching new contents, and keep consuming bandwidth in the background.
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"I regularly run and post various benchmarks comparing POHMELFS, NFS, XFS and Ext4, [the] main goal of POHMELFS at this stage is to be essentially as fast as [the] underlying local filesystem. And it is..." explained Evgeniy Polyakov, suggesting that the POHMELFS networking filesystem performs 10% to 300% faster than NFS, depending on the file operation.
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"Oh great, not yet-another-kernel-tree, just what the world needs..." began Greg KH, continuing, "yes, this is an announcement of a new kernel tree, linux-staging."
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*YOU* are full of bullshit. C++ is a horrible language. It's made more horrible by the fact that a lot of substandard programmers use it, to the point where it's much much easier to generate total and utter crap with it. Quite frankly, even if the choice of C were to do *nothing* but keep the C++ programmers out, that in itself would be a huge reason to use C.

Reply to  a mail by Linus on using C++ for GIT.
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Optimization is a complex task because ultimately it requires understanding of the entire system to be optimized. Although it may be possible to perform some local optimizations with little knowledge of your system or application, the more optimal you want your system to become, the more you must know about it.The following 10 articles explain and give some examples of different ways to optimize MySQL
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The book “Linux Kernel in a Nutshell” available for free download

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Constantine Murenin offered a history of the OpenBSD hardware sensors framework during his talk at BSDCan 2008, describing how it was originally based on a port from NetBSD, then evolved and was eventually ported to all the BSDs.
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Compiling from source takes a long time. Tweaking around let me compile xorg-x11 (-minimal!) within about 15 minutes on 1800+ AMD CPU
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With all Linux distributions come updates, especially with new versions. Usually these updates consist of security fixes and new versions of core software. However, every so often new kernels are released. The Linux kernel is the core of all distributions. When these are updated, most of the time your Grub boot menu will become cluttered with multiple kernels. Here is how to edit your Grub boot menu.
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Virtual Bridges this week launched version 5 of its Win4Lin Desktop desktop virtualisation system, with performance increases that it claims beat the likes of VMware Workstation and other competitors in the growing desktop virtualisation market.
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Our tests of Novell's SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 9 - we tested revision 9.1 of the server software - show it to be polished, faster and supporting a wider breadth of applications than previous versions we've tested.
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When Red Hat rolls out Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 next week, the red carpet treatment may be warranted. In our Clear Choice test of this operating system package (we tested RHEL 4.0 Advanced Server, Red Hat's most robust Linux distribution), we found huge performance gains over previous editions, beefed up security options and vastly improved hardware detection mechanisms.
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The Microsoft Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) driver and WMI IPMI provider supply data from Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) operations to the operating system.
IPMI Provider (Windows)
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MinWin has re-emerged as a source of debate since Microsoft last week released a few more details regarding Windows 7. Previous discussion of the “MinWin” kernel by engineers related to the Windows 7 team would have led one to believe that MinWin was a fancy new kernel that would be released with Windows 7.
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One feature likely to appear is a built-in hypervisor that lets runs Windows 7 in a virtual machine like those created by VMware or Microsoft's own Virtual PC.
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One feature likely to appear is a built-in hypervisor that lets runs Windows 7 in a virtual machine like those created by VMware or Microsoft's own Virtual PC.
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One feature likely to appear is a built-in hypervisor that lets runs Windows 7 in a virtual machine like those created by VMware or Microsoft's own Virtual PC.
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One feature likely to appear is a built-in hypervisor that lets runs Windows 7 in a virtual machine like those created by VMware or Microsoft's own Virtual PC.
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2008 will be a very good vintage for community end-user Linux distributions. So far, we’ve seen the release of Ubuntu 8.04, which is universally considered to be a major milestone release in usability and device compatibility, and one of the easiest distros to install.
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How To Reduce Log File Disk Usage With ISPConfig Or LAMP
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This tutorial shows how to set up an Ubuntu Hardy Heron (Ubuntu 8.04 LTS) based server that offers DNS services. This tutorial is written for the 32-bit version of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, but should apply to the 64-bit version.
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This document describes how to install the Internet Explorer (different versions) on Ubuntu 8.04 with IEs4Linux. Some users - especially web developers/designers need different versions of the Internet Explorer to test their pages.
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"These patches allow data integrity information (checksum and more) to be attached to I/Os at the block/filesystem layers and transferred through the entire I/O stack all the way to the physical storage device," began Martin Petersen. He went on to explain, "the integrity metadata can be generated in close proximity to the original data. Capable host adapters, RAID arrays and physical disks can verify the data integrity and abort I/Os in case of a mismatch."
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"After another round of performance tuning HAMMER all my benchmarks show HAMMER within 10% of UFS's performance, and it beats the shit out of UFS in certain tests such as file creation and random write performance," noted DragonFly BSD creator Matthew Dillon, providing an update on his new clustering filesystem.
Improving HAMMER Performance | KernelTrap
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"I'd like to say that the diffs are shrinking and things are calming down, but I'd be lying," began Linux creator Linus Torvalds, announcing the 2.6.26-rc6 kernel.
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Obfuscated TCP is a backwards-compatible modification to the TCP protocol which adds opportunistic encryption. It's designed to hamper and detect large-scale wiretapping and corruption of TCP traffic on the Internet.
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HTML 5 defines the fifth major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web, HTML. "HTML 5 differences from HTML 4" describes the differences between HTML 4 and HTML 5 and provides some of the rationale for the changes.
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Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++, Stroustrup.
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Intervention: How to salvage Windows 7, Blog by Randall C. Kennedy
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Tickless kernel, interesting article to read the benchmarking results.


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Open Kernel Labs Nominated for SYS-CON's "Virtualization Journal Readers' Choice Awards". OKL4 is a high-performance system software platform, built using cutting-edge microkernel technology, which provides Trustworthy Virtualization and Secure Decomposition capability for embedded systems.
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Rack-Soft announced today 4PSA VoipNow 1.6.2, the latest release of the hosted IP PBX server software solution for service providers, call centers, and enterprises. The newest version introduces important features designed to improve user's interaction and system connectivity, like the CallNow Center, PBX Call API, "no kernel modules" architecture, and backup restore functions.
HostReview : Web Hosting News : 4PSA VoipNow 1.6.2 Released with New Business Integration Tools
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One story not told often enough involves Linux’ growing domination of the embedded market.In this space Linux usually stacks up against older Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS). The decision by Wind River, the largest RTOS vendor, to migrate toward Linux was a turning point.
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Contrary to some reports, everything that makes Android “Android”, including all the core platform components and libraries needed to port Android to new devices will be open sourced under commonly used, industry standard licenses, says Google.
Read more....
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Kernel Definition, Just a brief overview.

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Linux kernel compile secrets. Part 3, Just read it from your side.

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This is a step-by-step instruction on how to install Shockvoice on a Linux machine. Shockvoice is a GPL-licensed voice-over-ip communication tool. This tool is slightly different in its features. It's simply coded in C# and therefore runs on almost any platform of interest, be it Windows, Unix, Macintosh or Solaris. The client will only be available for Windows in the beginning.
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Tony Luck offered some statistics focused on the frequency of developers that only contribute to the Linux kernel one time, "I skimmed through looking for drive-by contributors (defined as someone who contributes to just one release and is then never heard from again)." Starting with the 2.6.11 kernel, he suggested the following numbers: "63 [developers contributed patches] in version 2.6.11 [and then were] never seen again, 148 in version 2.6.12, 128 in version 2.6.13, 92 in version 2.6.14, 96 in version 2.6.15, 122 in version 2.6.16, 137 in version 2.6.17, 140 in version 2.6.18, 135 in version 2.6.19, 95 in version 2.6.20, 136 in version 2.6.21, 153 in version 2.6.22, 179 in version 2.6.23, 179 in version 2.6.24, and 304 in version 2.6.25".
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"Another week, another batch of mostly pretty small fixes. Hopefully the regression list is shrinking, and we've fixed at least a couple of the oopses on Arjan's list," said Linux creator Linus Torvalds, announcing the 2.6.26-rc5 kernel.
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Constantine Murenin offered a history of the OpenBSD hardware sensors framework during his talk at BSDCan 2008, describing how it was originally based on a port from NetBSD, then evolved and was eventually ported to all the BSDs. He also discussed his own involvement with the framework, having ported it from OpenBSD to FreeBSD as a Summer of Code project, and how his port was merged into DragonFly BSD.
BSDCan 2008: Hardware Sensors Framework | KernelTrap
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C++ FAQ Lite, This is C++ FQA Lite. C++ is a general-purpose programming language, not necessarily suitable for your special purpose. FQA stands for "frequently questioned answers". This FQA is called "lite" because it questions the answers found in C++ FAQ Lite.

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So I have a document at a given URL, say "". It's a big document, and clients need a consistent synchronised replica of this document. The problem is that this document changes frequently, but only in small ways. It make sense that a client will have to grab a copy of the whole document initially, but do they really need to grab the whole document over and over as it changes? What options exist? Is "Delta Encoding in HTTP" the right answer, or is something else needed?
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Incremental Development Environments, good to read.

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This document presents a short definition of the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style. It outlines the four REST constraints and offers two additional aspects of the REST style important for building Internet-scale applications for the Web.
REST - The short version
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This page provides workarounds and information on C++ compilers standards conformance problems.
C++ Compiler Tips and Workarounds
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The launch of Windows Vista seemed gigantic, but the operating system's successor may prove Gates's real legacy. What will Windows 7 hold in store? Here's what we've gleaned to date.
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f you install Ubuntu from the live cd or alternate install cd, the 'generic' kernel would be installed by default. The 'generic' kernel focuses on i586 and i686 CPU architectures. But if you have a newer CPU, like Pentium 4 HT, Dual Core or Core2Duo, you might want to install the 'server' kernel to improve your PC performance. The 'server' kernel focuses on i686 architectures and posses some unique advantages over 'generic' kernel in case of task management. Here is the steps to switch to server kernel.
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