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Server virtualization lets you consolidate multiple applications and operating systems onto fewer platforms. This white paper covers the 10 key elements of any successful virtualization deployment, from defining your strategy to taking a phased migration approach.

Nowadays, within the growing web 2.0 environment you may want to have some anonymity, and use other IP addresses than your own IP. Or, for some special purposes - a few IPs or more, frequently changed. So no one will be able to track you. A solution exists, and it is called Tor Project, or simply tor.
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Gufw is a graphical frontend for managing an iptables firewall on an Ubuntu 8.04 desktop. It is based on ufw and enables you to allow or block pre-configured, common p2p, or individual ports. This guide shows how you can install and use Gufw on Ubuntu 8.04.
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Openfiler is a high performance operating system tailored for use as a SAN/NAS appliance. This configuration will enable two Openfiler appliances to work in an Active/Passive high availability scenario.
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Today, the latest edition of the Wikipedia school edition has been released by SOS Children’s Villages, a charity organization that aims to help orphans and vulnerable children worldwide. The 08/09 edition can be downloaded for free, via BitTorrent only, and comprises over 5500 hand-picked educational articles aimed at helping schools to enhance their curriculum.

Your Kernel just crashed or one of your drive is not working!! What do you do? Well, this article gives an introduction to some kernel debugging tools for Linux. These tools makes the kernel internals more transparent. These tools help you to trace the kernel execution process and examine its memory and data structures.

The short answer is: about $1.4bn for the Linux kernel and about $10.8bn for the Red Hat Fedora 9 development release, the latest one out this summer.

Syser Kernel Debugger is designed for Windows NT Family based on X86 platform. It is a kernel debugger with full-graphical interfaces and supports assembly debugging and source code debugging.
Download here...

With two weeks having passed since the Linux 2.6.27 kernel release, Linus Torvalds has closed the merge window for the next kernel (Linux 2.6.28) and he has pushed out the first release candidate in this next series.


Microsoft has released an out-of-band patch to fix an extremely critical worm hole that exposes Windows users to remote code execution attacks.

The storage version of Y2k? No, it’s a function of capacity growth and RAID 5’s limitations. If you are thinking about SATA RAID for home or business use, or using RAID today, you need to know why.

All three of the main OS candidates: MacOS X, Novell’s “Sousa Linicks” and Microsoft’s Windows Vista run on pretty much the same hardware and run broadly comparable applications suites, so the decision must ultimately come down to which one best balances cost versus productivity in your applications area.


Troubleshooter. Computer expert. Technician. IT Manager. Whatever your title, your job requires you to have an enormous amount of information right at your fingertips. You don't always have access to the Internet when you need to. Wouldn't it be great if you could take TechRepublic with you so you can access some of the great downloads found on the site whether or not you had an Internet connection?

Photos: Hands on with Microsoft's touch interfaces

Cloud Computing and VirtualizationCloud Computing isn’t virtualization or vice versa but Cloud Computing creates an excellent platform for virtualization. Amazon’s EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), for example, is a Cloud Computing environment (as the name implies) built using Xen. Alternatively, Google bases its Cloud environment almost entirely upon physical hardware. Providers who create Cloud-based environments for public consumption, like Amazon’s EC2, will do so using virtualization due to its low cost, flexibility, and high performan

In the week since the publication of Linux 2.6.27, the kernel developers have already integrated more than 4000 patches into the main development tree of Linux, from which kernel version 2.6.28 will emerge in late December or early January (Linux 2.6.27).In the case of the IDE subsystem, for example, that is essentially matched to parallel ATA, there have again already been many large changes in previous kernel versions (1, 2), although all current ATA controllers supported by the drivers of the IDE subsystem have already long been able to respond to the new Libata drivers.

The Red Hat Crash Utility is a kernel-specific debugger. It is usually used for performing postmortem system analysis when the system panicked, locked up, or appears unresponsive. In this short article, Eugene Teo will give a quick overview of how you can install crash and how you can use it to get important information from the crash dump files for debugging and root-cause analysis purposes.

Linux kernel developer Greg Kroah-Hartman is leading an effort now that could possibly end up changing the way the Linux kernel is numbered.

This document is derived from Christoph Haas’ tutorial “Howto: ISP-style Email Server with Debian-Etch and Postfix”
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These instructions are designed to help you configure and test using the WiKID TACACS+ protocol module via Linux PAM on Red Hat.
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This guide shows how you can install the new OpenOffice 3.0.0 office suite on your Ubuntu 8.04 desktop.
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I do have a few songs that are broken and that I can't get somewhere else and can't buy however they are on YouTube.I know, quality is not the best on YouTube but for some stuff you have it might be better. Question is, how could I put those flash videos onto my music player?It's actually very simple but the legality of it depends on where you live. Better check out first if you are allowed to convert YouTube videos into mp3s.
How To...

After the web learned earlier this week that the final name of Vista's successor was Windows 7, all hell broke loose. The general consensus was that Windows 7 wasn't a bad name, but the reasoning behind it wasn't very clear. Many couldn't figure out how Microsoft had reached the number 7 (I'll give you a hint: they were looking at the kernel version number, instead of counting every single minor and major Windows release). But then others wanted to know why the current builds of Windows 7 were at kernel version 6.1, not 7.0.

Everyone and their grandmother builds Linux kernels. Many people build BSD, and some brave men even compile the OS X kernel every now and then. Why not compile your own Solaris kernel for a change?There is lots of documentation scattered out there, many pieces, incomplete, outdated and over-generalized tutorials. This will walk you through installing Solaris, adding all components required for building, and actually compiling a kernel in 73 easy steps.

11 updates addressing 20 vulnerabilities were released by Microsoft today. The four critical vulnerabilities affect Excel 2000, IE versions 5 and 6, Host Integration Server, and Windows 2000 Server. Numerous other products are affected with less-severe vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities fall particularly hard on Windows 2000 server installations.

The term rootkit has become synonymous with malware, but that has not always been the case. System administrators over the years have used a variety of tools to maintain or fix unresponsive operating systems. To be effective, these tools must run with administrative or root access. Root access, a Unix term referring to a special user account, allows system administration with super user privileges.

But now is a good time to announce that we've decided to officially call the next version of Windows, "Windows 7."

Keeping up with Linux is a time-consuming endeavor. Linux is frequently changing, and it’s so large and widely-used that it is nearly impossible to keep up with all the evolution. With open source communities come power, productivity, and efficiency; so much that it is difficult to know what is happening.In this article, we’ll show you five ways you can keep up to speed with various aspects of Linux. Linux means different things to different people. There are Linux desktops in the home, Linux servers, Linux software development, Web servers on Linux, mainframes running Linux, and the interesting business aspects of Linux. We will try to cover the spectrum.

Microsoft’s introduced  ‘M’ programming language

The Basics Of Java Programming...Youtube video.
YouTube - The Basics Of Java Programming

An update on the main functional changes in security for the recently released 2.6.27 kernel

This Howto covers the installation of XenServer Express 5.0.0 and the creation of virtual machines with the XenCenter administrator console.
How To...


11:43 AM | with 0 comments »

ZPL is an array programming language designed from first principles for fast execution on both sequential and parallel computers. It provides a convenient high-level programming medium for supercomputers and large-scale clusters with efficiency comparable to hand-coded message passing.

Slamd64 is an unofficial port of Slackware® Linux to the x86_64 architecture. It was started from slackware-current in 2004, and was created by cross-compiling from scratch, rather than using an existing 64-bit distribution as a base.

HP's Dynamo

11:40 AM | with 0 comments »

Dynamic optimization refers to the runtime optimization of a native program binary. This paper describes the design and implementation of Dynamo, a prototype dynamic optimizer that is capable of optimizing a native program binary at runtime.

Haskell Tutorial for C Programmers - Introduction

Ragex is a ruby library for generating valid XHTML.

C++ is a statically typed language but its type system is not bulletproof. This article reveals some all-too-common type glitches and how to fix them.

SwiftShader is the world's fastest pure software 3D renderer with DirectX® 9.0 class features, including support for advanced graphics features such as Shader Model 2.0, predication, floating point rendering, stenciling, and much more.

GraphPath is a little-language for analysing graph-structured data, especially RDF. The syntax of GraphPath is reminiscent of Xpath. It has a python implementation that can be teamed up with your favourite python RDF API (e.g. Redland, rdflib, or your own API).
GraphPath Language - Home


11:05 AM | with 0 comments »

Dyna is a small, very-high-level programming language that makes it easy to specify dynamic programs and train their weights. You write a short declarative specification in Dyna, and the Dyna optimizing compiler produces efficient C++ classes that form the core of your C++ application.
Main Page - Dyna

Among developers, design patterns are a popular way to think about design, but what is the proper way to think about design patterns? In this interview, Erich Gamma, co-author of the landmark book, Design Patterns, talks with Bill Venners about the right way to think about and use design patterns.

The Linux development community has released version 2.6.27 of the Linux kernel. This will be the first version of the kernel that includes a new file system designed for solid-state memory technology devices (MTD), called UBIFS.

Linus Torvalds announced yesterday on the Linux kernel mailing list the official release of Linux 2.6.27. This release includes some nice improvements and follows roughly three months after the release of 2.6.26.

Let’s build an MP3-decoder! in Haskell

PocketGuitar 1.0 for iPhone and iPod touch 2.0 is now available in the App Store. Please go to the new website of PocketGuitar for updated information.

This guide explains how to integrate APC (Alternative PHP Cache) into PHP5 and lighttpd on a Debian Etch system.
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In this howto we will build a load-balanced and high-availability web cluster on 2 real servers with Xen, hearbeat and ldirectord. The cluster will do http, mail, DNS, MySQL database and will be completely monitored. This is currently used on a production server with a couple of websites.
How To...

This tutorial shows how to set up a CentOS 5.2 server for x86_64 platforms that offers all services needed by ISPs and web hosters: Apache web server (SSL-capable), Postfix mail server with SMTP-AUTH and TLS, BIND DNS server, Proftpd FTP server, MySQL server, Dovecot POP3/IMAP, Quota, Firewall, etc.
How To...

This article introduces Analog Devices' VisualDSP Kernel (VDK) and its use with Blackfin. We examine VDK's capabilities, look at the APIs that power it, and present its cycle count and memory footprint.

On October 5th 1991, Linux Torvalds sent a message to the newsgroup comp.os.minix titled Free minix-like kernel sources for 386-AT (original announcement now archived at google’s usenet archive). That was about 17 years back when all ...

This month, the final Linux kernel 2.6.27 will arrive as Linus already stated that RC8 would be the last RC before the final version goes out. The regression were reduced and if nothing major going on, we should see the final version in a few days

Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's GuideFirst Edition (*)
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This release marks a milestone for PC-BSD, by moving to the latest FreeBSD 7-Stable and also incorporating the KDE 4.1.1 desktop.

Since May when Intel first introduced their Graphics Execution Manager after X.Org developers were enraged over Tungsten's TTM memory manager and its development challenges, we've been talking about GEM several times since then.

A bit of interesting news....Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Internet Explorer (IE), Firefox, Windows Update - Everything Microsoft forgot to mentionDoes Vista already have Windows 7's new kernel?
By Stuart J. Johnston

Open Kernel Labs (OK Labs), a provider of systems software and virtualization technology for mobile devices and other embedded systems, announced today that the company’s OKL4 embedded hypervisor is employed on the Qualcomm chipset inside the market’s first-ever commercial Android-powered handset.

Does Vista already have Windows 7's new kernel?
Does Vista already have Windows 7's new kernel? - Vista Forums

Linux® kernel 2.6.25 introduced a new process state for putting processes to sleep called TASK_KILLABLE, which offers an alternative to the efficient but potentially unkillable TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE and the easy-to-awaken but safer TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE. TASK_KILLABLE is the outcome of an issue raised in 2002 about the OpenAFS file system driver waiting for an event interruptibly after blocking all signals. This new sleeping state echoes TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE with the ability to respond to fatal signals. In this article, the author sheds light on this area and, using examples from 2.6.26 and an earlier version, 2.6.18, discusses the related changes to the Linux kernel and the new APIs that resulted from these changes.

"So yet another week, another -rc," began Linux creator, Linus Torvalds, announcing the 2.6.27-rc8 Linux kernel.


A Sysadmin's Unixersal Translator (ROSETTA STONE) OR What do they call that in this world?