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A small article on rootkit. Interesting.

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Linux 2.6 kernel has been ported to Apple's iPhone platform, with support for the first and second generation iPhones as well as the first generation iPod touch.


If you’re new to Linux, a few common mistakes are likely to get you into trouble. Learn about them up front so you can avoid major problems as you become increasingly Linux-savvy.


This page provides various links to brief introductory material that should be understood before entering the world of uClinux on the Blackfin processor.

A small article on an SPI DMA driver. This driver creates a char device to access a AD7476A ADC ( Analog to Digital Converter ) attached to the SPI controller.


This tutorial shows how to install Cherokee from source with PHP and MySQL support on a Ubuntu 8.10 server machine.

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This guide shows how you can use CrossOver Linux Pro 7.1.0 to run Windows applications on Ubuntu 8.10. CrossOver is based on Wine.


This is a howto on getting samba + clamav + samba-vscan to work on a CentOS 5.2 system.


Loadable Kernel Modules are user written software which tightly binds with the operating system kernel and runs in the same address space as the kernel. This requires calls to the kernel using specially defined kernel functions.

Virtual memory is one of the most important, and accordingly confusing, pieces of an operating system. Understanding the basics of virtual memory is required to understand operating system performance. Beyond the basics, a deeper understanding allows a system administrator to interpret system profiling tools better, leading to quicker troubleshooting and better decisions.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\DisablePagingExecutive to 1 to disable paging and have thekernel run in RAM (set the value to 0 to undo this hack).

Plan 9 is most notable for representing all system interfaces, including those required for networking and the user-interface, through the filesystem rather than specialized interfaces.

Windows Server 2008 is the best OS to be released till date from Microsoft's stable. This article shows how to use Windows server 2008 as a workstation OS. Also you may get a handful tips on managing windows server 2008.

USB 3.0 has arrived, or at least the specification that allows the technology to start being built into devices. Offering data-transfer speeds up to 4.8 gigabits per second - that’s 10 times the USB 2.0 speeds - USB 3.0 is also expected to offer better power efficiency.

Windows 7

10:28 AM | with 0 comments »

A deep dive into Windows 7 (build 6801)

This tutorial explains how you can set up MySQL master-master replication on four MySQL nodes (running on Debian Etch).
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This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to install VMware Server 2 on a Mandriva 2009.0 desktop system.
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FTP is a very insecure protocol because all passwords and all data are transferred in clear text. By using TLS, the whole communication can be encrypted, thus making FTP much more secure. This article explains how to set up ProFTPd with TLS on an Ubuntu 8.10 server.
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Security is based on three characteristics: prevention, protection and detection. Grsecurity is a patch for Linux kernel that allows you to increase each of these points
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The Linux Foundation has published a series of video interviews from the annual Linux Kernel Summit held Sept. 15-16 in Portland, Oregon. In the videos, 16 developers — including Linux creator Linus Torvalds (shown at left) — discuss their development activities.


Explaining what is zero-copy functionality for Linux, why it's useful and where it needs work.

This article explains how you can improve the performance of I/O-intensive Java™ applications running on Linux® and UNIX® platforms through a technique called zero copy. Zero copy lets you avoid redundant data copies between intermediate buffers and reduces the number of context switches between user space and kernel space.

SystemImager lets you create images of your Linux installations.

dmidecode is a tool for dumping a computer's DMI (some say SMBIOS) table contents in a human-readable format.
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Hot to on translation management system for a static website, using GNU gettext.
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A remote buffer overflow vulnerability in the Linux Kernel could be exploited by attackers to execute code or cripple affected systems, according to a Gentoo bug report that just became public.

Windows Vista and the applications that run on it have bumped their heads on the address space limits of 32-bit processors.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

New versions of the Linux kernel will support a special userspace driver
model, but some technical pitfalls might limit the use of this interesting
new feature.
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This document describes how you can configure a Debian Etch system for IPv6 so that a) it can connect to other IPv6 hosts and b) other IPv6 hosts can connect to it.
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There are times when you need to save sounds playing over the web. This tutorial shows you how you can use Audacity to capture sound on CentOS 5.x.
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Red Hat's Kristian Høgsberg has started a new project, which is currently known as Wayland, and is just that: a new lightweight X Server.

AutoMySQLBackup is a shell script that lets you take daily, weekly and monthly backups of your MySQL databases using mysqldump
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This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to install VMware Server 2 on a Fedora 9 desktop system.
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This tutorial shows how you can enable Compiz Fusion on an Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) desktop
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